Lawn & Plant Care Insect Control
Prevents insect damage to trees and shrubs. Insecticide dissolves in water and moves down through the soil, where it is absorbed by the roots. Once absorbed, it moves up through the tree or shrub, providing year-long protection even into new growth. Ideal to control the spotted lanternfly. Application rate: Trees,…
Triple Action insect and disease control. Ideal for control of insects, diseases, and mites on vegetables, fruits, nuts, herbs, spices, roses, flowers, and shrubs around the home. Insects controlled: Beetles, mites, loopers, webworms, tent caterpillars, armored and soft scales, mealybugs, psyllids, whiteflies, aphids. Diseases controlled: Powdery mildew, rust and many…
Houseplant and garden insect spray made with natural botanical pyrethrins. Kills all stages of insects, including eggs. Kills whiteflies, mealybugs, fungus, gnats, aphids, ants, thrips, mites, scale, and many others. Use on edibles up to day of harvest. Features residual effectiveness. Active Ingredient: Pyrethrins & Canola Oil.
Ideal for potted plants indoors and outdoors. Controls: Aphids, armored scale, fungus, gnats, leafhoppers, lace bugs, mealybugs, psyllids, root weevil, soft scale, thrips, whiteflies, white grubs, and more. Application rate: 2-1/2 tablespoons per 1 gallon plant. Application should be made every 8 weeks during growing season. Mix granules thoroughly into…
Broad use insecticide. Controls aphids, beetles, cabbage looper, leafhoppers, and other insect pests on listed vegetables, fruits, nuts, and ornamental plants. On beef, dairy cattle, and horses: Controls hornflies, lice, and face flies. On cats and dogs: controls fleas, ticks, and lice. Application rate: Ready to use dust for use…
A low foaming non-ionic surfactant. A water soluble liquid additive that makes water wetter and increases absorption, translocation and sticking of pesticides. Application rate: 1 to 2 teaspoons per gallon of water when mixed with insecticides, miticides fungicides, liquid fertilizers, and herbicides. Active Ingredient: Alkyl, Alkylaryl Polyoxyethylene Glycol.
A low foaming non-ionic surfactant. A water soluble liquid additive that makes water wetter and increases absorption, translocation and sticking of pesticides. Application rate: 1 to 2 teaspoons per gallon of water when mixed with insecticides, miticides fungicides, liquid fertilizers, and herbicides. Active Ingredient: Alkyl, Alkylaryl Polyoxyethylene Glycol.
Horticultural oil ideal to control aphids, mites, scales, whiteflies, and other soft bodied insects. For insect control in citrus, tree & vine crops, ornamentals, and vegetable crops. Odorless and non-staining. Effective as a dormant spray and can be used in summer months. Year-round usage, during the dormant and growing season.…