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Preassembled silt fence is an ideal barrier for sediment control around construction sites or wherever there is bare or disturbed earth. The woven geotextile used on silt fence is designed to filter out sediment from construction site run-off, yet allows clean water to pass through. The use of silt fence…
Preassembled silt fence is an ideal barrier for sediment control around construction sites or wherever there is bare or disturbed earth. The woven geotextile used on silt fence is designed to filter out sediment from construction site run-off, yet allows clean water to pass through. The use of silt fence…
Ideally suited for use as a large pond cover, permanent fruit cage, animal run, tree cover, bushes cover, plant bed protector, or as ball stop or field marker. Its size, look, and performance make this mesh the preferred solution for large area sports facilities, such as tennis courts and golf…
Ideally suited for use as a large pond cover, permanent fruit cage, animal run, tree cover, bushes cover, plant bed protector, or as ball stop or field marker. Its size, look, and performance make this mesh the preferred solution for large area sports facilities, such as tennis courts and golf…