Lawn & Garden Lawn & Plant Care
- Lawn & Plant Care Disease & Fungus Control
- Lawn & Plant Care Grass & Weed Control
- Lawn & Plant Care Insect Control
- Lawn & Plant Care Lawn Fertilizers
- Lawn & Plant Care Moss & Algae Killers
- Lawn & Plant Care Plant Support
- Lawn & Plant Care Plant Tree & Garden Fertilizers
- Lawn & Plant Care Rain Barrels
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- Lawn & Plant Care Vegetation & Stump Killers
- Lawn & Plant Care Watering Cans
Post-emergent kills existing broadleaf weeds and prevents new broadleaf weeds for up to 6 months. Won’t harm lawns. Apply anytime spring thru fall. Rainproof in 1 hour. Treats up to 3750 square feet for Northern turf, and up to 7500 square feet for Southern turf. Active ingredients: 2.63% Isoxaben, 4.73%…
Post-emergent kills existing broadleaf weeds and prevents new broadleaf weeds for up to 6 months. Won’t harm lawns. Apply anytime spring thru fall. Rainproof in 1 hour. Treats up to 3750 square feet for Northern turf, and up to 7500 square feet for Southern turf. Active ingredients: 2.63% Isoxaben, 4.73%…
Houseplant insect and mite control. Ready to spray formula provides control against insects, diseases, and mites in 1 easy step. This product kills aphids, caterpillars, spider mites, thrips, whiteflies, and more. Also cures diseases like black spot, powdery mildew, and rust. Growing beautiful trees, shrubs, roses and flowers has never…
Tomato and vegetable insect killer. Delivers fast-acting results to kill aphids, adult Japanese beetles, cutworms, tomato hornworms, and other listed insects on contact. Rainproof in 1 hour. Ideal to use on leafy, fruiting, and root vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, carrots, as well as on cucurbits. Use on tomatoes up…
Insect, disease, and mite control. Ideal for use on roses, flowers, trees, and shrubs. Kills insects and mites on contact and systemically, cures and prevents many diseases. Effective on aphids, caterpillars, Japanese beetles, leafminers, spider mites, whiteflies, anthracnose, black spot, leaf spot, petal blight, powdery mildew, rust, and scab. Systemic…
Insect, disease, and mite control. Ideal for use on roses, flowers, trees, and shrubs. Kills insects and mites on contact and systemically, cures and prevents many diseases. Effective on aphids, caterpillars, Japanese beetles, leafminers, spider mites, whiteflies, anthracnose, black spot, leaf spot, petal blight, powdery mildew, rust, and scab. Systemic…
Weed & Feed for southern lawns. Kills broadleaf weeds including dollarweed, dandelion, and clover. Prevents broadleaf and grass weeds including crabgrass for up to 6 months. Also feeds, greens, and strengthens the lawn. Will not harm lawns when used as directed. For use on southern turfs such as Bermudagrass, St.…
Insect killer ideal to use on a wide variety of fruit, vegetable, and citrus plants. Provides season long protection. Kills insects and prevents new infestations. Features rainproof protection that won’t wash off. 32 ounce concentrate treats up to 640 square feet on vegetables, or up to 9 fruit trees. Just…
A long-lasting, one-step solution to protect your lawn and garden from insects and fire ants. 24-hour lawn insect and fire ant killer delivers immediate results. Kills and repels over 500 insects including fire ants, mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, chinch bugs, and mole crickets. Ideal to use on lawns, ground covers, and…
Tomato and vegetable insect killer. Delivers fast-acting results to kill aphids, adult Japanese beetles, cutworms, tomato hornworms, and other listed insects on contact. Rainproof in 1 hour. Ideal to use on leafy, fruiting, and root vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, carrots, as well as on cucurbits. Use on tomatoes up…
A long-lasting, one-step solution to protect your lawn and garden from insects and fire ants. 24-hour lawn insect and fire ant killer delivers immediate results. Kills and repels over 500 insects including fire ants, mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, chinch bugs, and mole crickets. Ideal to use on lawns, ground covers, and…