Fertilome dollar weed control. Provides post-emergence control of annual, biennial, and perennial broadleaf weeds in established lawns. Controls chickweed, clover (hop, red, and white), dandelion, dollar weed, English lawn daisy, false dandelion, Florida betony, ground ivy, lespedeza, black medic, parsley-piert, broadleaf plantain, buckhorn plantain, and Virginia buttonweed. Apply any time…
Weed control for over 80 of the toughest broadleaf weeds, including clover, ground ivy, spurge, chickweed, dandelion, henbit, oxalis, purslane, thistle, wild onion, Virginia buttonweed, and many others. See label for complete list of rates based on type of grass (cool or warm), and type of sprayer used. Active ingredient:…
Weed control for over 80 of the toughest broadleaf weeds, including clover, ground ivy, spurge, chickweed, dandelion, henbit, oxalis, purslane, thistle, wild onion, Virginia buttonweed, and many others. See label for complete list of rates based on type of grass (cool or warm), and type of sprayer used. Active ingredient:…
Weed control for over 80 of the toughest broadleaf weeds, including clover, ground ivy, spurge, chickweed, dandelion, henbit, oxalis, purslane, thistle, wild onion, Virginia buttonweed, and many others. See label for complete list of rates based on type of grass (cool or warm), and type of sprayer used. Active ingredient:…
Controls over 200 broadleaf weeds including dandelion, chickweed, clover, spurge, wild onion, dollar weed, ground ivy, and many others. 1 pint covers 8000 sq ft in St. Augustine and 6000 sq ft in Bermuda, fescue, and bluegrass. Active ingredient: Trimec, a patented combination of 3 weed killers: 2, 4-D, Mecoprop-p,…
Controls over 200 broadleaf weeds including dandelion, chickweed, clover, spurge, wild onion, dollar weed, ground ivy, and many others. 1 pint covers 8000 sq ft in St. Augustine and 6000 sq ft in Bermuda, fescue, and bluegrass. Active ingredient: Trimec, a patented combination of 3 weed killers: 2, 4-D, Mecoprop-p,…
Contains 2, 4-D (Amine) with a low to moderate volatization potential. Water-based. Major use sites include corn, small grains, grass seed crops, lawns, roadsides, drainage ditchbanks, fencerows, and more. Can be applied with aerial, ground, or hand held equipment. Controls broadleaf weeds including cocklebur, thistle, bindweed, and other nuisance weeds.…
Sea Salt 10X weed & grass killer contains sea salt and vinegar. Works fast. Kills the root so weeds will not grow back. It is a non-selective herbicide designed specifically to target and kill unwanted weeds and grasses. It kills all common weeds including Broadleaf, Crabgrass, Dandelion, Clover, Ivy, Chickweed…
Sea Salt 10X weed & grass killer contains sea salt and vinegar. Works fast. Kills the root so weeds will not grow back. It is a non-selective herbicide designed specifically to target and kill unwanted weeds and grasses. It kills all common weeds including Broadleaf, Crabgrass, Dandelion, Clover, Ivy, Chickweed…
Turf, ornamental weed, and grass stopper. Provides superior control of crabgrass and many other annual grass and broadleaf weeds in ornamental landscape areas, established lawns, and ornamental turf. Can be applied up to 4 weeks later than other pre-emergent crabgrass preventers. Application rate: Consult label for turf and ornamental landscape…
Grass & weed preventer that eliminates hand weeding. Use to prevent weed growth around ornamental trees, shrubs, and listed flower and vegetable gardens, and other areas where undesired weed growth may occur. Ideal for use on chickweed, goosegrass, sandbur, purslane, thistle, and more. Active ingredient: Trifluralin. Glyphosate-free.
Grass & weed preventer that eliminates hand weeding. Use to prevent weed growth around ornamental trees, shrubs, and listed flower and vegetable gardens, and other areas where undesired weed growth may occur. Ideal for use on chickweed, goosegrass, sandbur, purslane, thistle, and more. Active ingredient: Trifluralin. Glyphosate-free.
Herbicide for the control of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and Kikuyugrass in ornamental turf. Controls actively growing annual and perennial broadleaf weeds listed on the label including Wild Violet, Oxalis and Field Bindweed plus Bermudagrass (suppression) in Perennial Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass and Tall Fescue Ornamental Turf including turfgrass in…
Killzall Quick weed & grass killer. Non-selective systemic weed and grass killer that eliminates undesirable vegetation, roots and all. Ideal to use in and around lawns, driveways, parking areas, between stepping stones and bricks, flower beds, trees, and shrubs. Visible results in hours, rainproof in 10 minutes. Active Ingredient: Glyphosate.
Image is a post-emergent, selective herbicide for use in southern turfgrass and selected ornamentals (Bermudagrass, St. Augustinegrass, Centipedegrass, and Zoysiagrass). Do Not apply to St. Augustinegrass for winter weed control. Apply Image following the spring green up and preceding the onset of winter dormancy. Targets the toughest southern weeds: Wild…