Vertical steam iron features: steam surge and spray mist to blast out the toughest wrinkles while the nonstick soleplate smoothly glides over any garment type. Smart steam technology provides variable temperature control and automatically generates the right amount of steam based on fabric selection. Anti-drip system prevents water spotting at…
Smart Steam technology adjusts the amount of steam automatically based on fabric setting. Features: 3-way automatic shut off, motion sensitive/multi-position auto Off, nonstick stainless steel soleplate, burst of steam, fabric guide, vertical steam, spray mist, anti-drip, 4 oz translucent water tank, and Auto Clean. Soft-grip handle. 360 degree. 5′ swivel…
Smart Steam technology automatically generates the right amount of steam based on fabric type. Features: automatic cord reel with retractable power cord, motion sensitive 3-way automatic shutoff, fabric guide, anti-drip, auto clean, variable steam control and spray mist, translucent 4 oz water tank, 8′ cord, and a comfort grip handle.
Easily removes dirt, melted synthetic fabrics, patch glue, starch, and residues from the soleplate of a hot iron. Cleans while the iron is hot – no need to wait for the iron to cool down. Makes iron glide easier. Safe for all soleplates. Easy-to-use. Nontoxic. 1 oz. tube.
Ironing is easy with the Proctor Silex Steam Iron. This efficient, no-nonsense iron is designed with a durable, nonstick soleplate that smoothly glides across all fabrics. It get wrinkles out without sticking to the fabrics, whether you’re ironing a delicate dress for a party or everyday t-shirts and slacks. This…